Science Teaching

Course Objective

The course objective is to improve your teaching skills and teaching competences as a TA. The course provides guidance, inspiration and tools for improving your teaching practice. Through constructive feedback you will develop your teaching skills and learn to give your peers formative feedback on their teaching. In addition you will be supported in developing teaching activities for your courses, provide strategies for managing the classroom and grow confidence in your own teaching skills.

Target audience

The course is aimed at TAs of computer science and IT with no prior experience as well as TAs with experience in teaching computer science and IT who want to improve their dissemination abilities.

Learning outcomes and competences 

At the end of the course you should be able to:

  • Develop and practice classroom management to support student learning
  • Design and implement a lesson plan for teaching sessions based on constructive alignment
  • Develop and implement student-activating activities
  • Evaluate teaching quality and reflect on teaching improvement practices
  • Apply learning goals in the description and planning of a lesson plan
  • Give constructive feedback on teaching-activities based on observation and reflection
  • Target presentations and activities to suit specific target groups and learning preferences
  • Present in front of an audience according to the best practices for delivering academic presentations and body language awareness

Course format

  • Module 1: Practical Science Teaching.  An online course and a two (half) day introduction to science teaching covering the basics
  • Module 2: Advanced Science Teaching. A four (half) day extension of module 1.

Course parameters for the 3 ECTS course (module 1+2)

  • ECTS: 3
  • Level: Master
  • Language of Instruction: English.
  • Forms of instruction: An online course and six obligatory course (half) days. Course participants will also be doing individual and group assignments between course days.